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 Spyro Roleplaying (SpyrosGod)

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-07-07
Age : 28
Location : The Dragon Realms

Spyro Roleplaying (SpyrosGod) Empty
PostSubject: Spyro Roleplaying (SpyrosGod)   Spyro Roleplaying (SpyrosGod) EmptyWed Jul 07, 2010 2:50 pm


I am considering Spyro Roleplaying at my Xat chat. I am currently taking Spyros place. If you want to roleplay, message me on my youtube account: SpyroTheDragon1267. And since i am Spyro, you can be who you want, but your real lif egender must match the gender of the dragon you wish to roleplay as. Contact me if you wish to roleplay.
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Spyro Roleplaying (SpyrosGod)
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