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 the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games.

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2 posters


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Join date : 2010-06-29
Age : 30
Location : canada

the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. Empty
PostSubject: the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games.   the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 8:19 am

you can vote for {Spyro 1} {Spyro 2} {Spyro 3} {Spyro 4}

{vote for Spyro 1}

{vote for Spyro 2}

{vote for Spyro 3}

{vote for Spyro 4}


[rule one. you can vote one time.]

[rule two. you can switch your vote one time.]

[rule three. you don't have to vote if you don't like to but tell me (dragonold103 or at this page).]

[rule four. if your a new member and you will like to vote tell me but you can't because the voting is done i will lot you vote (dragonold103 or at this page).]

I'm not going to vote.
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Posts : 36
Join date : 2010-06-28
Age : 32
Location : Detroit, MI, USA

the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games.   the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. EmptyMon Aug 30, 2010 8:46 pm

dragonold103 wrote:
you can vote for {Spyro 1} {Spyro 2} {Spyro 3} {Spyro 4}

{vote for Spyro 1}

{vote for Spyro 2}

{vote for Spyro 3}

{vote for Spyro 4}


[rule one. you can vote one time.]

[rule two. you can switch your vote one time.]

[rule three. you don't have to vote if you don't like to but tell me (dragonold103 or at this page).]

[rule four. if your a new member and you will like to vote tell me but you can't because the voting is done i will lot you vote (dragonold103 or at this page).]

I'm not going to vote.
what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scratch ???????????????????
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Posts : 49
Join date : 2010-06-29
Age : 30
Location : canada

the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games.   the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. EmptyThu Sep 02, 2010 10:34 am

i'm doing a vote fro the old spyro games and i was bored one day and i was thinking to do something like this.
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the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games.   the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games. Empty

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the vote for the beats Spyro game of the old Spyro games.
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